Landlords and Property Security go hand in hand - your tenant safety should be a top priority. You can easily be overwhelmed by all the upkeep of your property. If you choose to be a landlord, you cannot compromise the safety of your tenants or any visitors on your property simply because you are tired of trying to keep up with all of it.
What’s the worst that could happen? That is a question that you should never ask. Slips and falls are some of the top causes of accidental home deaths every year. As a landlord, you have to guarantee that you have taken every precaution to keep everyone safe on your property. Below are a few common questions about when a landlord can be held liable for injuries, and some of the things that may help you avoid lawsuits.
How can a landlord be liable for slips and falls?
When you are a landlord of a rental home or apartment complex, you may be held liable if a person falls or slips while on your property. Most of these situations start with having hallways, stairs, ramps, and parking lots that do not have proper lighting features installed.
If someone slips or falls while in one of these places that are not properly lit, the landlord will most likely be held at least partially responsible. No one wants to have to deal with a lawsuit or the backlash from someone being injured while on your property. It is a very quick way to receive a bad reputation, especially if the lawsuit is not handled appropriately or professionally.
What can you do to try to avoid lawsuits as a landlord?
You have a chance of avoiding situations that may lead to lawsuits by simply ensuring that all dark walkways and rooms have proper sources of light all throughout your property. If you have a tenant or visitor complain that a light is out or a certain spot is darker than they would like it to be, fix it immediately. This won’t only appease your tenants, but it may help avoid accidents and lawsuits in the future.
Simply installing briteOWL® LED safety lights in hallways and stairwells could solve these lighting issues, and could keep you from being held liable for injuries. If you are currently dealing with a possible lawsuit or have any liability concerns about your property, contact an attorney so that you can be informed and prepared for what may come.
How can OWL Power Solutions® help landlords?
OWL Power Solutions® has created briteOWL® light-up outlet covers. The briteOWL® is a professional looking backup light and nightlight that keeps both of the outlets open for regular use. The 50 lumens of light offered by the briteOWL® provides a brighter and larger range of light than the average nightlight. The backup light feature provides 90 minutes of light during a power outage to help people safely maneuver around the home.
Light up hallways, stairwells, and other dark spots within your property by installing briteOWLs® today. Perhaps you aren’t sure it is worth the investment. OWL Power Solutions® offers a discount on orders of four or more briteOWLs® to make them even more affordable. A lawsuit for a slip or fall that is determined to be from negligence of the landlord could add up to thousands of dollars. If briteOWL® could possibly help you avoid a lawsuit, it seems like an easy investment to make.
Partner with us by making briteOWL® your top choice of outlet covers today!
Is it important to have back-up lighting in rental properties?
BriteOWL® not only works as a nightlight to help make walkways safe, but it also serves as a reliable and convenient back-up light when the power goes out. Don’t leave your tenants in the dark during a power outage. Having battery operated, light-up outlet covers installed all throughout your property may also help to avoid accidents and possible lawsuits.
Losing power is rarely an anticipated event - our emergency backup lights can provide peace of mind for landlords and property security. Children and even some adults may panic when a power outage occurs. Being able to see and maneuver around bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms, etc. safely and effectively can help keep people calm and avoid accidents and injuries during those scary times.
Order briteOWLs® to provide back-up lighting for your property today!
Choose OWL Power Solutions® with Confidence




The versatile briteOWL® light-up outlet covers work as accent lights, nightlights, safety lights, and back-up lights. You can learn more about how briteOWL® works and how to install them here. As a landlord, taking precautionary measures for your tenant’s safety and security could determine your success or failure in the industry. Contact OWL Power Solutions® today!